33言情 > 军事 > 憨怂爷万里追凶 > 第1408章 跟美国英国特工合作
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第1408章 跟美国英国特工合作

我看着装作一脸平淡但是双眼露出疑惑、迷茫、思考、分析之色的赖特继续说:“Wright, can't you see that all of this is a double insurance bureau designed by Soviet agent“Popov“ who was killed by you in the“safe house“? Involving various forces in the looting of“mysterious metal blocks“, because“Popov“ had Soviet agents and gang armed forces rob Germany of these“mysterious metal blocks“. Popov understood that they could not all transport these mysterious metal blocks back to the Soviet Union, so Popov had the gang hide some of them, and then Popov had Soviet agents quickly bring some back to the Soviet Union! And he released a message to the public:'You can exchange it for dollars.' This way, he doesn't have to spend money on the gang and can sell the 'mysterious metal blocks' in dollars equally with the gang! If you or other forces discover or he is killed, the Soviet side has obtained the“mysterious metal block“, right? You all fell for Popov! And there are also double-sided agents between your agents here and British agents! So do you want to identify and collaborate with us!(注:赖特,难道你们看不出这一切都是被你们打死在“安全屋”的苏联特工“波波夫”设计的双保险局吗?让各方势力卷入这场抢夺“神秘金属块”中,因为“波波夫”让苏联特工和黑帮武装抢劫了德国的这些“神秘金属块”后,波波夫就明白了这些神秘金属块他们是不可能全部运回苏联的,所以波波夫让黑帮藏起来一部分,然后波波夫让苏联特工快速的带上一些返回苏联!而对外放出消息:“用美金可以换”这样一来,他即不用花钱给黑帮而且可以和黑帮平分卖“神秘金属块”的美金!如果你们或者其它势力发现了或者他被打死了,最其码苏联方面得到了“神秘金属块”对吗?你们都上了“波波夫”的当!而且你们这里的特工和英国特工中间也有双面特工!所以你是不是甄别一下我们再合作!”)我一脸认真的用英语说,心里却在想:“幸亏你们偷袭打死了苏联特工“波波夫”要不然谁来背这个黑锅,然后我又怎么能敲你们的“竹杠”......”.....



赖特终于坐不住了看着我说:“Mr. Yan! Can we cooperate! You continue to contact them! We will pay any amount! But we can't leave Pu! Our goal is to 'mysterious metal blocks'. To be honest, our people have been unable to trace any information! Finally, Caroline, who rebelled against the“Old Port Hotel,“ realized that you had a way to find the“Mysterious Metal Block“ and had already bought it to the German spy leader“von Neun“! We only made this decision. Now that we cooperate, what are your conditions?(注:晏先生!我们是否可以合作!你继续和他们联系!多少钱我们都会出!但是不能离普了!我们的目的就是“神秘金属块”不瞒你说,我们的人一直查不到一点点消息!最后策反了“老港口饭店”的卡罗琳才知道你有办法找到“神秘金属块”而且已经买给了德国的特务头子“冯.纽恩”!我们才出此下策的,现在我们合作,你们有什么条件?”).....
